The taskforce is chaired by Mr John Jacoby and Mr Michael Braiman the Village Assistance Manager and is tasked to make a recommendation to the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees on on what studies and data to consider when deciding to vote to adopt or reject Cook County Ordinance on Paid Sick Leave and Minimum Wage (this doc includes emails from citizens) Here’s a link to a detailed description of scope of the task force.
Many residents submitted their resume to participate. Here are the members of the taskforce who were appointed by the Finance Committee.
John Jacoby, Chair; Village President (1989 – 1997), Village Trustee (1981-1997)
Brian Fabes, Chief Executive Officer- Civic Consulting Alliance
John Haser, Director of Administration & Marketing- Anne Kustner Lighting Design
Cathy Pratt, Executive VP – Retail at Wintrust Bank & President – Wilmette
George Rafeedie, President & Founder, CoWorkers LLC
Laura Saleh, Board of Directors- Wilmette/Kenilworth Chamber of Commerce
Therese Steinken, Former Director of Development of Family Service Center
The purpose of yesterday’s meeting was to decide whether or not to submit a questionnaire to the 1,500 low wage workers who work in Wilmette (here’s the draft survey), and which study to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees in regards to Paid Sick Leave.
The original plan was to make the questionnaire available in each place of business, and to post a notice about the study inviting employees to participate.
A representative from who represents faith-based low wage workers and is a founding member of advocacy groups who advocated for the Cook County ordinance suggested that the questions are not so unique to Wilmette and that answers can be provided by analysing data from IDES and by existing studies. Here’s the packet of studies (it is over 1000 pages).
Brian Fabes led the charge in identifying which study answered which question of the questionnaire. The committee selected 4 studies to recommend to the board.
This taskforce is very inviting, very thorough in its approach and very open to comments from the audience. I’m learning a lot on how the administrative state come to be.
If you want to be on the email distribution list simply contact Mr Michael Braiman ([email protected]) to receive meeting materials and minutes.
The next meeting is on March 5th where studies on minimum wage will be discussed.