Michael Lucci from the Illinois Policy Institute article: “(…) The number of Illinois adults not in the workforce hit an all-time high in March, signaling that Illinois’ tepid economic recovery has not reached enough Illinoisans. There are nearly 1.1 million households on food stamps in Illinois, representing 22.3 percent of all households, barely below the all-time highs of December 2014. As of March 2015, a mere 64.6 percent of Illinois adults are participating in the Illinois labor force, the lowest rate in the past 37 years. With 236,000 fewer people working in Illinois compared to before the recession, Illinois is also home to the worst economic recovery in the U.S. The problem is a lack of economic opportunity.
A policy roadmap is needed to chart a course toward more opportunity for Illinoisans. Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Turnaround Agenda addresses the state’s main regulatory pain points that are holding up business expansion, including workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, tort liabilities and worker freedom; along with putting caps on the most extreme property taxes in the Midwest. In addition, the Illinois Policy Institute’s Legislative Agenda for Entrepreneurs would make it easier for all Illinoisans to start a business, thus encouraging more investment and business formation, and ultimately more opportunities for innovation and meaningful work in Illinois.”
<a href=”https://www.illinoispolicy.org/record-number-of-illinoisans-out-of-workforce-labor-participation-rate-at-37-year-lows/?utm_source=Illinois Policy: Opens