Did you get an invitation to an emergency Wilmette Park District Meeting planned for Monday January 18. During this meeting the Park Board will discuss (and vote on) bidding for the 36 year lease on the building at 20 Harbor Drive (which is currently leased to the Sheridan Shore Yacht Club). This thirty six year lease has a minimum annual rental fee of $138,000 for a total lease term cost of approximately $5 million [note that consideration of this lease was not included in the lakefront master plan, or in last year’s referendum process, or the Park District survey that was recently sent to all of the residents of the Village of Wilmette]. $5 million in capital spending, not programming, not protecting open lands and park.
I am finding myself asking the following questions to any government unit who want to do something new: Is this activity part of their mission? Why would a government unit take this over, could it be done better by a free-enterprise? What will it cost and do they have expertise? The Wilmette Park District is the guardian of over 300 acres of parks and open land, they own 5 buildings in which they offer great activities for the community.
The Park District is not an event management company so why do they want more building to manage? My first reaction is that The Yacht club should keep the lease, or an event management company should bid to optimize the use of the building. The Park District is not a facilities management company, they can’t afford a $5 million capital expense and why would they? A 36year lease, who comes up with that?
What are your thoughts on this issue? Share them here, but share them with Steve Wilson before noon on Monday Jan 18 – your emails go on public record. [email protected]