Written by Amanda Muldoon, Indiana Circle Leader and State Leadership Council Member. Soon after starting the Fort Wayne Policy Circle in 2017 I soon realized each of us has an opportunity to make an impact in our communities through public service. I approached...
Written by Katie Glick, Indiana Circle Leader and State Leadership Council Chair As we celebrate Women’s History Month in 2021, I sometimes imagine what future generations will have to say about women in 2021 and 2020. When the world shut down a year ago, we had...
Have you ever felt discouraged about sharing your personal story or pursuing a mission you’re passionate about simply because you lacked the confidence to do so? We want to change that. Join us on March 18th 3 PM CST as we hear an impactful &...
Curated by the Indiana State Leaership Council 2020 certainly showed that podcasts have cemented their place in our entertainment and audio world. From niche topics like crafting, photography, celebrity gossip, or skincare to big topics like “What do I think about our...
In a year of challenges and uncertainty, Policy Circle Members have been courageous, curious and unyielding in your commitment to identify and own solutions to issues. We are grateful for your commitment to civic life – your love of neighbors, community and...
The landscape for workers in America has changed dramatically since the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, challenging the very nature of organized labor. They do play a role in some communities to strengthen workers’ aggregate power when negotiating wages, salary...