On February 3, 2017 President Trump signed an executive order directing federal agencies to review financial regulations instituted under the Obama administration. While the new executive order does not explicitly mention Dodd-Frank, it does direct the secretary of...
Below is a summary of the discussion points from the inaugural meeting of Mile High Policy Circle on February 8 at Meg Duke’s home. Please save the date for the next discussion on April 10th at 9:00am. Cappy Shopneck will be hosting. We look forward to seeing...
If you’ve ever seen the 1939 classic “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” you may remember title character Jefferson Smith, played by James Stewart, launching into a marathon 24-hour filibuster in order to halt a corrupt appropriations bill (clip embedded at end of...
When do we feel energized by a conversation? Is it when we share thoughts about our to-do lists, upcoming events or people we know? Maybe. But more likely, it’s when we are authentic and have a chance to express our views on an idea. It’s when we feel heard....
There has been a lot of discussion about the use — and abuse — of the executive order as a means of circumventing the legislative process. Once President-Elect Trump is sworn in, what executive orders will he rescind and how will the Trump administration...
Every few days there is another person named or “floated” in consideration for a Cabinet or a sub-cabinet post. What happens after you receive the call and the invitation to serve? From nominee to Cabinet position The appointment confirmation process is a great...