Amy Jo Clark Makes Civic Engagement a Priority

Meet Amy Jo As a communications professional with over 20 years of experience, Amy Jo Clark’s background is diverse and spans several genres – including politic…

Meet Amy Jo

As a communications professional with over 20 years of experience, Amy Jo Clark’s background is diverse and spans several genres – including political, government, technical, medical, and broadcasting.

She co-created and manages a successful media company, COTR LLC, since 2009, co-hosted a daily radio show, runs a podcast, and was an Adjunct Professor of Communications in Indianapolis for seven years.

When she’s not pursuing her passions of politics and communications, she is spending time with her husband and three children or tending to critters on her family ranch in Texas.

How CLER has Empowered Her to Become a Civic Leader 

Amy Jo’s recent move to Texas prompted her to join CLER, The Policy Circle’s proprietary civic leadership program, and research her local and state election processes, as well as how people can run for office in Texas. 

Amy Jo was accepted into the Civic Leadership Engagement Roadmap (CLER) Program, which has encouraged her to learn foundational civics and take action locally to make a difference.  With the CLER curriculum, she received the tools she needed to become involved in civic life in her new community.

The CLER program enables Amy Jo, as well as her classmates in the CLER summer cohort, to continue learning and engaging. 

Meeting With Local Officials

Amy Jo wanted to learn when elections are held, how Texas differs from Indiana, and how the school board election process works.

Like many Policy Circle members, sitting back and wondering isn’t an option – so Amy Jo took action by scheduling a meeting with Jared Goldsmith, the Elections Administrator for McClennan County, Texas. 

“Meeting Jared and some of the people in his office was wonderful for me both personally and professionally. Having this connection is extremely valuable to me, as I plan on being more involved in both my local and state elections, as well as possibly running for a school board or city council at some point.”

Amy Jo Clark

Amy Jo’s First Rodeo 

In her new hometown, Amy Jo applied and was accepted for a committee position at the Heart of Texas Fair and Rodeo. 

The organization boasts over 500 volunteers, and its mission is to produce events for education, entertainment and agricultural experiences at the premier multi-use facility in Waco while giving back through youth scholarships and a positive economic impact to Central Texas. 

Amy Jo will be using her communication skills and experience gained through The Policy Circle’s CLER program to serve on two committees: Special Events and Education. 

“I was hoping to network, but I realized that this organization is so much more than just a rodeo and fair. It has such a huge impact on the community through its scholarship program.”

Amy Jo Clark

It is encouraging to see a woman like Amy Jo’s participation in civic engagement and in making a difference in her community. 

Will you join her? Applications to join the last CLER Cohort of 2021 are August 13th, apply today!

